Now GoM offers AutoChartist free on all accounts, this is pretty good, recently they added indices and oil, brought an ecn account, and now this. Things are looking up

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DislikedSo let me get this straight. Go now offers wider spread, (used to be .3pips for std account), have claimed ECN style access since 2009, and calls the account a "Pro Account" with higher deposit amount, and you think it's a better deal?
Now you have to pay $3000 for higher spreads and greater distance from market for pending orders?????????
Who sais gimmick advertising doesn't work.
Some of what they used to offer in January 2009:Ignored
DislikedSo let me get this straight. Go now offers wider spread, (used to be .3pips for std account), have claimed ECN style access since 2009, and calls the account a "Pro Account" with higher deposit amount, and you think it's a better deal?
Now you have to pay $3000 for higher spreads and greater distance from market for pending orders?????????
Who sais gimmick advertising doesn't work.
Some of what they used to offer in January 2009:Ignored
Dislikedthese feckers stopped my terminals via old version - reloaded and completely fucked it for me. thanks go.
if you are around 6am GMT go usually drops offline - a lot.
this lot are pissing me off now.Ignored
DislikedNow GoM offers AutoChartist free on all accounts, this is pretty good, recently they added indices and oil, brought an ecn account, and now this. Things are looking upIgnored
DislikedGo Markets now offers indices and commodities:
Click on market watch, right click and select 'Show all'.
Dow Jones30 CFD
S&P500 CFD
Hi Charvo,
The fee you are referring to is one charged by National Australia Bank (NAB) as a handling fee for processing your payment. It is not a fee imposed by GO Markets, we do not charge withdrawal or deposit fees.
Previously GO Markets covered this charge for you by rebating you back the fee which was charged by the Bank. Due to the high number of transactions we receive, this was becoming hard to manage and we also wanted to offer larger incentives for funding. As such, we introduced a 10% funding bonus which far outweighs the 3% credit card fee.
Furthermore, when you fund by credit card, the transaction fees by NAB are clearly displayed at the time of payment on the credit card funding form. Please note that you can also fund by international wire which is considerably cheaper than using a credit card.
Jeanlouie and Cogs are also correct as it will be difficult to find a broker that will cover handling fees charged by banks. Instead they will also provide other methods to compensate you for such charges. We do of course understand that bank fees are undesirable, and for this reason we are in the process of creating an international payment gateway which will remove the need for our international clients to use credit card funding via an Australian Bank. This should be available in the next 2 weeks and will lead to a greatly decreased cost of funding, and faster processing times. We will announce this to all clients when this becomes available.
If you didn't receive the email to offer you a 10% funding bonus please contact your account manager or our general customer support at +61 3 9934 4500.
DislikedYep, bank and merchant fees. Why 'percentage' is used and not a fixed amount is just typical bank gouging and profiteering. Why it costs ten times as much to handle another zero on a transaction is just bank theft and one of many reasons they, (banks) claim billions extra in profit each quater here in Australia.
The only free deposit is interbank transfer within Australia.
I can transfer into my US brokers account faster and cheaper than I can here in Aust. International wire costs approx $70 fixed.
jeanluoie is correct, all brokers and...Ignored