DislikedFrom 100k to 340k in under two trading days, can I get some hype in chat, haha. Attached current positions. Acetrader try what I wrote otherwise we can find another way to get you installed. {image}Ignored

Stay green!!!
Delta Volume - Cumulative Delta Volume 192 replies
Need help to make Cumulative Volume Index indicator for MT4 70 replies
Interactive Brokers Cumulative Delta indicator suggestion 1 reply
Platform with Cumulative Delta and Real Time Volume Data 2 replies
Convert delta(EMA) -> delta(Close) 0 replies
DislikedFrom 100k to 340k in under two trading days, can I get some hype in chat, haha. Attached current positions. Acetrader try what I wrote otherwise we can find another way to get you installed. {image}Ignored
DislikedLekkim, I searched & found several indicators, but none work once loaded on the charts. Looking forward to any solution to this issue you may have.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Put this into MQL5\Indicators folder. {file} {image} Restart your MT5. If you stiil cannot see it, try demo accounts from FPMarkets or OctaFX.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Put this into MQL5\Indicators folder. {file} {image} Restart your MT5. If you stiil cannot see it, try demo accounts from FPMarkets or OctaFX.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Hi heispark, Gave it a go & its like the others will not load on the chart after its installed in the MQL5Indicatores folder. Thank you for your help.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Why don't you watch some youtube videos about basics of MT5. I myself am not very familiar with MT5 either. 'Market' folder under Indicator folder contains indicators you purchased/downloaded from MQL5 site. You just put this indicator into this Market folder. It's straightforward and no issue should be involved....Ignored
DislikedFrom 100k to 340k in under two trading days, can I get some hype in chat, haha. Attached current positions. Acetrader try what I wrote otherwise we can find another way to get you installed. {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} I see that sometimes you piled up the positions, and DD is unpredictable, and there is no protection whatsoever. is this good? it's just a good-bening observation.Ignored