Opinion to everyone...
Do you believe that the Big Money out there (banks, countries, etc) have fore knowledge of the data that is to be released in news events?
Or do you think they just have their own in house research that comes up with similar numbers?
Reason I ask is that I have seen on more than one occasion, that there will often be price moves on a currency that come before a news event and then when the news comes out it goes opposite the direction the fundamentals say it ought to. Is this a classic case of the banks bidding the price up, and then when the news releases, they send it the other way? How do you feel about this?
Just trying to add some sense of logic to some of the action.
Your two cents worth is well appreciated.
Do you believe that the Big Money out there (banks, countries, etc) have fore knowledge of the data that is to be released in news events?
Or do you think they just have their own in house research that comes up with similar numbers?
Reason I ask is that I have seen on more than one occasion, that there will often be price moves on a currency that come before a news event and then when the news comes out it goes opposite the direction the fundamentals say it ought to. Is this a classic case of the banks bidding the price up, and then when the news releases, they send it the other way? How do you feel about this?
Just trying to add some sense of logic to some of the action.
Your two cents worth is well appreciated.