DislikedAnd the reason why Night strategies work is so simple: it is because it's when there's a recognizable pattern!Ignored
With regards to trading only when it is dark, a mate here was confused and asked if I could shed some light (pun intended) because you and I are in constant contact. He's a profitable trader, but he trades when the sun is out. The people in his community refer to that time as "day". Approximately 12 hours later he goes to sleep when the sun is not out, and the people in his community refer to that time as "night".
@captalTrader -- so, when you say "dark" are you referring to when the sun is not out and, if so, are you aware that when it is dark for you it is light for half the planet? Us struggling traders need to know so that we can reset our sleep patterns to match with yours.
When this thread began I at first thought you were a smart -- though, misguided -- fellow who was simply full of himself because he just learned how to use a computer and crunch some numbers. Then I thought you were rather arrogant in how you lectured people how to trade -- and at the same time acknowledging you don't trade. And then I realized you were a narcisist when you attempted to rationalize your failures by identifying with Tesla and suggesting you were also a man ahead of his time. And know I know you are actually a moron -- who believes the earth is flat and when it is "dark" for you it must also be "dark" for everyone else.
@captalTrader -- what does one have to do to get banned from your thread? Are you also a masochist?