im getting alot of prvt messages asking the same thing. its the original mgrid ea found at the very beginning of this thread. ill attach it here. please take the time to read the entire thread. most of your questions can be answered there. learn from other traders experiences with this ea. yes, i have been testing this ea with 10 increments and 3 levels. that is insanely to small of a gap. but i wanted to see what would happen in the worst case scenario, dd. i am now testing it at 20 increments / 3 levels. im testing with 50,000/0.1 lots on a standard acct and 10,000/0.01 lots on a micro. both have been making insane amount of money because there is alot of margin. keep the questions coming. i hope everyone can learn and make a clear decision if they want to use this ea.
Attached File(s)