The short answer is mostly 'no' to your questions but I'll try.
I promise not to ask you for anything at the end either.
To try to reduce what 4 minds does live every day is difficult. I used the word 'interpret' in one of my posts before and was told that trading works best for idiots, and I must say I don't agree. The charts tell a story, and what we decide to do with the info it's giving is assisted by several highly complex studies.
We have several scripts running on our charts but to try to write every single rule into a 'bot' would be a mammoth task. We take high daily range pairs. We already know where to take an entry using sound rules. Trying to tell a code that the first entry on the move was below the overnight 50% level and it now has an 82% chance of reaching 60%, and if it does this has a 74% chance of reaching the 75% ADR level. Then try to 'teach' it that at high activity levels you will see profit takers, but it's ok to hold for 100% of ADR if another 3 factors are met.
Sure. We could, but I'd far rather have one of my trading partners say 'that's on the 75 ADR I'm going to close and wait for the retracement. We then take 3 trades of 30 pips each rather than holding for a single trade of 60. These bits of info can be determined in a few seconds, why should I write a script that becomes so complex it makes my brain ache.
Then, suspend trading on either side of red-folder news, but be ready to take a position almost immediately after, but only if there is congruence across all 4 time frames. Using range bars.
Im being a little verbose but the point is it's not just a mechanical click when x crosses y. You see an entry at the close of the London session after it's done 125% of its range, are you going to take it? Well no, that would be stupid, yet the bot would see a perfectly good signal.
Its not a system it's a strategy. We often don't agree, we often don't execute at the same second, but we do talk constantly and between us it generates pips. Remember, we are traders first, husbands at the same time, have families and interests. We don't proclaim to be masterful marketers or gurus, we didn't sit down when we started and set this up to teach others how to duplicate us. I do believe what we do can be taught, and we use well published studies on our charts (though I am NOT an MT4 fan, we all think its rubbish) but why on earth would I stop trading profitably each day to stand for free in an auditorium to face the kind of cynicism I see in here every time I post?
The question was 'can you live off forex trading' (or words to that effect)
4 of us do.
I promise not to ask you for anything at the end either.

To try to reduce what 4 minds does live every day is difficult. I used the word 'interpret' in one of my posts before and was told that trading works best for idiots, and I must say I don't agree. The charts tell a story, and what we decide to do with the info it's giving is assisted by several highly complex studies.
We have several scripts running on our charts but to try to write every single rule into a 'bot' would be a mammoth task. We take high daily range pairs. We already know where to take an entry using sound rules. Trying to tell a code that the first entry on the move was below the overnight 50% level and it now has an 82% chance of reaching 60%, and if it does this has a 74% chance of reaching the 75% ADR level. Then try to 'teach' it that at high activity levels you will see profit takers, but it's ok to hold for 100% of ADR if another 3 factors are met.
Sure. We could, but I'd far rather have one of my trading partners say 'that's on the 75 ADR I'm going to close and wait for the retracement. We then take 3 trades of 30 pips each rather than holding for a single trade of 60. These bits of info can be determined in a few seconds, why should I write a script that becomes so complex it makes my brain ache.
Then, suspend trading on either side of red-folder news, but be ready to take a position almost immediately after, but only if there is congruence across all 4 time frames. Using range bars.
Im being a little verbose but the point is it's not just a mechanical click when x crosses y. You see an entry at the close of the London session after it's done 125% of its range, are you going to take it? Well no, that would be stupid, yet the bot would see a perfectly good signal.
Its not a system it's a strategy. We often don't agree, we often don't execute at the same second, but we do talk constantly and between us it generates pips. Remember, we are traders first, husbands at the same time, have families and interests. We don't proclaim to be masterful marketers or gurus, we didn't sit down when we started and set this up to teach others how to duplicate us. I do believe what we do can be taught, and we use well published studies on our charts (though I am NOT an MT4 fan, we all think its rubbish) but why on earth would I stop trading profitably each day to stand for free in an auditorium to face the kind of cynicism I see in here every time I post?
The question was 'can you live off forex trading' (or words to that effect)
4 of us do.
In life you get 3 types of people, those who can count and those who can't.