DislikedAnyway, i lied about my years in the fx market. So don;t try to challenge me ok? Achthung?Ignored

Do people actually make a living off of trading? 38 replies
Dukascopy Live Account - Don't Post if you haven't traded live with them! 117 replies
Having a 9-5 job can actually help with your trading! 25 replies
Do you pay TAX after trading if you live in Nevada USA? 9 replies
Questions to Analyze a Trading Plan (boring bit that actually makes you profitable) 0 replies
DislikedAnyway, i lied about my years in the fx market. So don;t try to challenge me ok? Achthung?Ignored
Disliked........Its a shame people like you still exisits in this world........Ignored
Can normal people, with small capital ($1000-$3000) make money and live off trading Forex?Ignored
DislikedHey man, i don't belive in technical or fundamental analysis. Pure money management is my game..
DislikedNo you can't be a full time trader with only 3k - 4k. Not even with a 50k if you have no idea in technical analysis. BUT you can be a full time trader as liittle as $25 for a micro a/c IF you have mastered market movements and technical terms. Fundamentals has nothing to do with FX, i repeat FUNDAMENTALS DO NOT WORK IN THE FX MARKET! Stock or economy goes bearish does not mean it affects the currency! Anyway, i trade for extra income for minor expenses.Not to be a full time trader or a rich dick. But if you hate your job and would rather like to work at home infront of your laptop trading fx, stock and options then you would need to master several system offer here in forex factory. And is FREE unlike some other websites where you have to pay for it. For beginners i reccommend babypips for easy reading and demo your chosen system for at least 6 months and lets see how many trades you can win. If you have over a 100% profit then you are good to go opening a live micro a/c starting at a $300 margin at 400:1 leverage buying/selling 1k lots only. That is 10cts per pips. Some broker offer a minimum deposit of $25 for a micro but that amount is insufficient. Watch out for retail broker. You win a trade they lose money. You lose a trade they win money. So watch out choosing your broker and be very careful with thir spreads they have to offer. Ok good luck and cheers!Ignored
Can normal people, with small capital ($1000-$3000) make money and live off trading Forex?Ignored
QuoteDislikedIf a simple MM algorithm is all that's necessary to be long-term profitable, then the large fund managers could lay off all of their analysts. In fact, we could write a simple MM-based EA, and we'd all be forex millionaires. Fantastic!
DislikedWhile MM is certainly a crucial aspect, you can't consistently make money w/o having a numerical edge somewhere.Ignored
QuoteDislikedRabid, that's exactly my point - MM operates independently of expectancy. The latter is determined solely by the efficacy of one's entries and exits. The fact that nobody's taken over the world by writing an MM-based EA that employs random entries and exits, IMHO, supports this assertion.
QuoteDislikedHence I can't see how attaining positive expectancy is possible without some kind of analysis.
DislikedLiS, are you saying that it's possible to profit without studying price charts (given that LudaPtica says that both TA and FA are unnecessary)?
If a simple MM algorithm is all that's necessary to be long-term profitable, then the large fund managers could lay off all of their analysts. In fact, we could write a simple MM-based EA, and we'd all be forex millionaires. Fantastic!
QuoteDislikedI said it was possible to profit from such a strategy, not that it was the most efficient use of equity or that it produced comparable returns to more conventional trading strategies, obviously it would be unsuitable for fund managers as they are performance oriented.
QuoteDislikedUsing solely money management, trading forex becomes purely a mathematical problem with a mathematical solution and therefore doesn't take into account fundamentals or technicals.
QuoteDislikedA typical example would be averaging or grid trading. Provided trade size amply allows for maximum drawdown it would be possible to achieve a 100% win rate. That's an extreme example and returns would naturally be limited compared to a system which uses say stop loss or hedging for example.
QuoteDislikedYou can academically number crunch and quote all the theoretical statistics you like, at the end of the day it's practical results which count as I'm sure you'll agree.
QuoteDislikedIn a strategy which doesn't use technicals or fundamentals the edge is money management!
QuoteDislikedDo you agree that a 100% win rate is achievable?
DislikedI don't care if you have a 100% win rate for the last 3 years, tomorrow you could be bankrupt if you're not controlling your losses.
MM is crucial, to be sure, but it won't matter if you don't have an edge.Ignored
DislikedMoney management isn't an edge, so if you're only using a strategy that has no other edge... then that strategy has no edge at all.
Over what time frame? A week? Sure. 20 years? Not a chance.Ignored
QuoteDisliked100% returns while a currency and trading of it exist, and of course the broker you're using stays solvent......20 years.....200 years.....forever.
QuoteDislikedCare to put it to the test?