I am pretty sure most successful traders are very selective with what they share on forums like ours. Nevertheless does somene like to talk about the hidden numbers in the fx market. Have you come up with with a formula that changed your game radically? What can we find if we dig deep into the numbers, how to get there, what to look for? I am asking only about formulas based on the bid/ask of a single instrument. No currency meters, tick or future volumes, fundamental values etc.. What can we find in just the sequence of quote digits printed on a chart, or not on a chart? Is there really any form of "secret" that can be discovered? Any ideas ?

- Joined Jun 2016 | Status: Sharing EUR/USD Ideas and Insights | 12,500 Posts
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- Joined Jun 2016 | Status: Sharing EUR/USD Ideas and Insights | 12,500 Posts
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