where's carlois ? very good system. simple rules

Trying scalping with a 1000 bucks - Scalping is expensive! 39 replies
Crazy Towers + 12/24h: Trading Tower and Valley Patterns 22 replies
strategy builder/tester for new scalping strategy 1 reply
1M & 5M Scalping System (Scalping Paradise) 21 replies
Looking for the urban towers indicator 2 replies
Dislikedtry following 123 rules
1. Breath
2. wide rainbow
3. urban towers
SL - 1 pip below low of last 3 bars
TP - 100% fib retracement, BE after 50% fibIgnored
DislikedHi everyone!
funny to finally find a Trend & pullback based thread here
Navin I know your Youtube vids from the beginning, however I guess this is one of Your best performing systems
heres what im doing:
on M15 only trade E/U ( best spread , good volatility + most traded pair ).
G/U E/J A/U E/G are correlated anyway!!!
im using 3 EMAs 20, 100, 200
only trade the European session (from Frankfurt`s open to London close).
make sure to draw "the big" Trendlines...Ignored