DislikedJason, Could you look at my post towards the bottom here, http://www.forexfactory.com/showthre...303347&page=12 and tell me what you think about an Mt4 EA is trying to load into my TSII file? I can't understand this. See the attached screen shot of my file. All three of these EA are trying to run on TSII and I don't understand it. Can you help? Thank you. {image}Ignored
There seems to be nothing in the screenshot you posted to indicate those three EA files are trying to run on Trading Station Desktop. Are you referring to the FXCM icons next to the file names? If so, please note that is the icon for MT4, not TSD. Both platforms use the FXCM logo.
If you want to use these files with MT4, then go to File > Open Data Folder on the platform. Then open the MQL4 folder and save the files in the appropriate sub-folder: the Experts folder for EAs or the Indicators folder for technical indicators.