Are things going more successfully now at least?
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how many pips did you lose before becoming a succesful trader? 19 replies
Right Wrong Right Wrong Right Wrong 13 replies
How many real accounts have you blown before consistently making money in FX? 61 replies
How many blow-ups are necessary in order to become a pro? 23 replies
How many accounts did you blow? 13 replies
DislikedI've blown heaps of small accounts over the years. The thing that changed it for me was to invest more money and trade larger accounts. I know that sounds counter intuitive, but it worked for me. The more money I had on the line the more conservative I became. If I had a $2k account and was down say $1k, then I'd basically start gambling in an attempt to recover. But once I put $20k in an account then I took it much more seriously and was less flippant about the decisions I was making. You don't want to put in so much money that you lose sleep,...Ignored
DislikedI've blown heaps of small accounts over the years. The thing that changed it for me was to invest more money and trade larger accounts. I know that sounds counter intuitive, but it worked for me. The more money I had on the line the more conservative I became. If I had a $2k account and was down say $1k, then I'd basically start gambling in an attempt to recover. But once I put $20k in an account then I took it much more seriously and was less flippant about the decisions I was making. You don't want to put in so much money that you lose sleep,...Ignored
Disliked{quote} This makes sense, because if you trade with an amount that means something to you (assuming 20000 $ is a considerable wad of cash), then getting small returns does not feel like wasting time. Anyone else find this topic soothing? It's like anonymous alcoholics for FX. Nice to see others screwed up too, does not make one feel alone with one's failures.Ignored
Disliked{quote} be a consistent trader on forex is my dream ... fuck money I just wanna be successfull.. money will come with it.Ignored