DislikedHey Caledrone! Nice to see you! I've followed every post on your new thread, BTW, but since I was branded a commercial member several years ago, I can't post to most threads. I've written FF multiple times letting them know I don't sell anything and I'm not commercial, but I get no answer. I enjoyed interacting with you and your simplistic approach to trading. I've posted hundreds, maybe thousands of posts to the FF over the years...and now not to be able to contribute to normal threads is a bit of a let down, so I've focused on my 2 Skype rooms...Ignored
Yeah, I miss you posting in the other threads. I have pretty much abandoned my own threads. Sometimes I will post but I never mention setups or what I'm doing. I might post in someone else's thread if I have time and it is interesting to me. But overall, I just want to find my setup and get out to the beach etc. lol
I'm rambling..anyway. I will follow you here. Stay in touch.