Bar color based on straddling a moving average? 2 replies
Upgrade color Bollinger Bands Squzze, 4 color's bar 0 replies
MT4 - Intraday price bar color based on the time 1 reply
How to change the color of the candle/bar in function of the the close 0 replies
Looking 4 custom signal to change color of EMA when + or - 0 replies
Dislikedall you had to do was change the rsi to an ema function. see attached. It will color bars red/blue based on where it is wrt the ema. Play with it for a while. Like I said I modded mine to have 4 colours plus the original background colours for a total of six colours. {file}Ignored
DislikedHere. I decided to make it 4 colours for you. You can add any conditions you want. {file}Ignored