For some reason, I was put in the Commerical section of Forex Factory. I think it's because of a post I made a year or two back asking for help to market or sale Forex Signals. I never did sell Forex signals and not even sure I solicited even one subscriber. However, my greatest interest in Forex is of a commercial nature so I don't mind being here. My only disappointment is I don't get to post encouragement to other newer traders in the beginners sections and the journals. But I'll live with it.
Why do I have a Commerical interest in Forex?
My strongest passion in life is probably the ability to increase ones financial security and freedom through a capitalistic society that rewards you based on how much value you can bring to the marketplace. I grew up in poverty. I wanted to be more and do more in life and I truly believed if I worked hard enough I could be able to succeed at anything. I became a Registered Nurse and have had success with an online business venture now for over 9 years.
My second passion in life is seeing average ordinary people break from poverty or mediocre lifestyles to achieve financial success. So if you can create a business that can simultaneous allow others to piggyback off of your success to achieve their own level of monetary success, that to me is thrilling. It's a combination of profit for helping others profit. I believe this to be one of the greatest business paradigms in existence. I already have a track record of success (my current business) of helping people to achieve success in their own right. Now I can't take total credit for this but it's a combination of my efforts and various resources that I'm able to recommend. Basically what I do now is find companies that offer unique products or services with a Unique Selling Proposition that have little to no distribution channels and I help them establish distribution or expand their current distribution. We do this by developing and training individuals who can become distributors. Most of the people have little to no formal business or sales training. They just have a desire to work hard and improve their finances. We have been doing this successfully since 2004. I have never done this for my own products or services and have never had a craving desire to either. It has always been easier to just find other companies and products. My success has been based on very singularly, focused, simple systems that people can follow. Taking out as much as possible the complicated parts of business.
So Why Forex?
I'm attracted to Forex because it has a low barrier of entry for most people. I believe anyone could create wealth in the Forex market and because it's such a huge market, vast sums of wealth can be created over time. I have a goal of helping to create Forex Millionaires. I have helped many people create $100,000+ annual incomes, but I believe through Forex trading and some sort of commercial venture that individuals could create for themselves massive fortunes. My goal is to help them through either some sort of Reputable Signal Provider Service or Managed Account service. I think Reputable Signal Providers and Managed Accounts are few and far between. Literally the only requirement to create a Unique Selling Proposition in this industry is just to be reputable.
The Strategy!
Well now you know why I am focused on the Forex Markets and why I have a commercial interest here. Now for the Strategy, well that is the single biggest part of this entire idea. That brings us to the purpose of this thread. I am simply demo trading a possible strategy right now. This is just a concept for me at this time. If I can continue to successfully Demo, then I will start trading a real account in the next few weeks. At that point I will grow the size of that account and continue to move forward. In the mean time I am using myfxbook to track my trading accounts.
This thread will be a Journal format. Part trading journal and hopefully eventually part business development journal.
More to follow...
Why do I have a Commerical interest in Forex?
My strongest passion in life is probably the ability to increase ones financial security and freedom through a capitalistic society that rewards you based on how much value you can bring to the marketplace. I grew up in poverty. I wanted to be more and do more in life and I truly believed if I worked hard enough I could be able to succeed at anything. I became a Registered Nurse and have had success with an online business venture now for over 9 years.
My second passion in life is seeing average ordinary people break from poverty or mediocre lifestyles to achieve financial success. So if you can create a business that can simultaneous allow others to piggyback off of your success to achieve their own level of monetary success, that to me is thrilling. It's a combination of profit for helping others profit. I believe this to be one of the greatest business paradigms in existence. I already have a track record of success (my current business) of helping people to achieve success in their own right. Now I can't take total credit for this but it's a combination of my efforts and various resources that I'm able to recommend. Basically what I do now is find companies that offer unique products or services with a Unique Selling Proposition that have little to no distribution channels and I help them establish distribution or expand their current distribution. We do this by developing and training individuals who can become distributors. Most of the people have little to no formal business or sales training. They just have a desire to work hard and improve their finances. We have been doing this successfully since 2004. I have never done this for my own products or services and have never had a craving desire to either. It has always been easier to just find other companies and products. My success has been based on very singularly, focused, simple systems that people can follow. Taking out as much as possible the complicated parts of business.
So Why Forex?
I'm attracted to Forex because it has a low barrier of entry for most people. I believe anyone could create wealth in the Forex market and because it's such a huge market, vast sums of wealth can be created over time. I have a goal of helping to create Forex Millionaires. I have helped many people create $100,000+ annual incomes, but I believe through Forex trading and some sort of commercial venture that individuals could create for themselves massive fortunes. My goal is to help them through either some sort of Reputable Signal Provider Service or Managed Account service. I think Reputable Signal Providers and Managed Accounts are few and far between. Literally the only requirement to create a Unique Selling Proposition in this industry is just to be reputable.
The Strategy!
Well now you know why I am focused on the Forex Markets and why I have a commercial interest here. Now for the Strategy, well that is the single biggest part of this entire idea. That brings us to the purpose of this thread. I am simply demo trading a possible strategy right now. This is just a concept for me at this time. If I can continue to successfully Demo, then I will start trading a real account in the next few weeks. At that point I will grow the size of that account and continue to move forward. In the mean time I am using myfxbook to track my trading accounts.
This thread will be a Journal format. Part trading journal and hopefully eventually part business development journal.
More to follow...