Hit To all fellow traders :-)
Is there someone on this forum that applies Walk Forward Analysis to Eas written by him or bought on internet? Further, do you know of some site that publishes ranking of Eas based on WFER (walk forward efficiency rario)?
Here are some doc
Further, for trading geeks:
I’ve bought 2 programs, Tick data suite and Walk forward data analyzer. I’m not trying to spam about this software. Simply, having bought both software, I’ve tried to walk forward test Eas built by me, built by freelancer programmers and bought on internet. But I’m not able to obtain a decent wfer (>0.5) and so I don’t have usually a robust strategy. Further, do You have some ea that is promising, has customizable parameters (it hasn’t be a black box) and doesn’t require any authentication on web sites. I would like to test it and see if it has a decent wfer.
Here is an example of a robust strategy:
Is there someone on this forum that applies Walk Forward Analysis to Eas written by him or bought on internet? Further, do you know of some site that publishes ranking of Eas based on WFER (walk forward efficiency rario)?
Here are some doc
Further, for trading geeks:
I’ve bought 2 programs, Tick data suite and Walk forward data analyzer. I’m not trying to spam about this software. Simply, having bought both software, I’ve tried to walk forward test Eas built by me, built by freelancer programmers and bought on internet. But I’m not able to obtain a decent wfer (>0.5) and so I don’t have usually a robust strategy. Further, do You have some ea that is promising, has customizable parameters (it hasn’t be a black box) and doesn’t require any authentication on web sites. I would like to test it and see if it has a decent wfer.
Here is an example of a robust strategy: