You most defiantly can but the quicker you can make money the quicker you can lose it as well. Focus on a good strategy with low risk and good money management and you'll make money no doubt about it.
- Joined May 2007 | Status: MT4/MT5 EAs/Indicators/Alerts coder | 6,507 Posts
MT4/MT5 EAs/Indicators/Alerts coder
- Joined May 2007 | Status: MT4/MT5 EAs/Indicators/Alerts coder | 6,507 Posts
MT4/MT5 EAs/Indicators/Alerts coder
- Joined May 2007 | Status: MT4/MT5 EAs/Indicators/Alerts coder | 6,507 Posts
MT4/MT5 EAs/Indicators/Alerts coder
- Joined Jul 2012 | Status: CME seat owner | 6,134 Posts
Be hopeful in a winning position, and fearful in a losing position.