I'm asking this here as the rest of the world is full of noise and i respect many of the traders that embrace the PIE stuff....
Recently i've come across a few articles and comments which pertain to profit. It seems to me that many traders think that being up 1% after a year is ok whilst others would laugh at that (me for one).
I do not understand why even the pros according to barclayhedge turn up 2% etc when this is supposed to be a high risk game? why would you enter into high risk for 2%? Is that figure bullshit? I doubt it as i've just read this on NBT.
So my question is, and i have no desire to know anyones figures or whatnot, but what should i be aiming for here?
So far i've traded according to what i've seen on the charts, on a demo account that i've been fiercely protective of and at times even woken up in the middle of the night to check all is ok and i haven't made any cockups.
I know its 'only demo' but to me it is much more than that. I'm embarking on a huge journey of my life with this, investing more time than anything ever before (except wife and kids) and with the myriad responsibilities i have already, i want a deadly accurate marker of my progress.
I run a small live account to attempt to feel how this is like 'for real' too. I want all the emotions to have been felt on live and demo before i 'go live' for real. By 'real' I mean bigtime.
But before i do that, i want to know - is it worth it?
MY current profits show me it's very worth it (but i cant simply rely on those until years have passed - could just be a streak?). Some of what i've seen posted by you guys round here show me it's very worth it but i still hear all this shit about low %'s etc.
So.... what sort of gains should i be looking at?
I gave myself an annual target of 100+% on demo with a hard figure accumulation on my live account (which is harder on me than 100%). If i dont hit those, i dont consider either myself ready or indeed if it's worth it at all. high risk must equal high reward.
Recently i've come across a few articles and comments which pertain to profit. It seems to me that many traders think that being up 1% after a year is ok whilst others would laugh at that (me for one).
I do not understand why even the pros according to barclayhedge turn up 2% etc when this is supposed to be a high risk game? why would you enter into high risk for 2%? Is that figure bullshit? I doubt it as i've just read this on NBT.
So my question is, and i have no desire to know anyones figures or whatnot, but what should i be aiming for here?
So far i've traded according to what i've seen on the charts, on a demo account that i've been fiercely protective of and at times even woken up in the middle of the night to check all is ok and i haven't made any cockups.
I know its 'only demo' but to me it is much more than that. I'm embarking on a huge journey of my life with this, investing more time than anything ever before (except wife and kids) and with the myriad responsibilities i have already, i want a deadly accurate marker of my progress.
I run a small live account to attempt to feel how this is like 'for real' too. I want all the emotions to have been felt on live and demo before i 'go live' for real. By 'real' I mean bigtime.
But before i do that, i want to know - is it worth it?
MY current profits show me it's very worth it (but i cant simply rely on those until years have passed - could just be a streak?). Some of what i've seen posted by you guys round here show me it's very worth it but i still hear all this shit about low %'s etc.
So.... what sort of gains should i be looking at?
I gave myself an annual target of 100+% on demo with a hard figure accumulation on my live account (which is harder on me than 100%). If i dont hit those, i dont consider either myself ready or indeed if it's worth it at all. high risk must equal high reward.