Does anyone know a good trading platform? How many choices are there
- | Joined Sep 2010 | Status: a happy trader | 142 Posts
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Dislikedin spite of high popularity of metatrader, i think, there are a lot of other platforms, that are much more convenient and powerful. i'd like to advise you only some, but you need to read about them by yourself carefully to get the platform, that meets all your requirements:
1. ActForex - easy to use, but as for me has not big functionality. good for newbie
2. NinjaTrader - powerful, but a bit complicated
3. Protrader 2...Ignored
DislikedYou get what you think and feel about, with every platform out there
Most popular is MetaTrader 4 (MT4) of course. I say MT4 is like a gun, both police and criminals can easily get it. You get shot or get protected depends on who is holding the gun.
MT4 can be used to trick traders doesn't mean custom platforms can't be used to do so. In fact you may be tricked with custom platform but you won't have any idea of how it could happen. I say it is good that MT4 becomes more transparent as of that exposure above because good brokers will be...Ignored
DislikedMost here use Meta Trader 4. Many brokers supply their own trading platform. You can also get platforms such as Ninja Trader and Button Trader to name a couple.Ignored
DislikedDoes anyone know a good trading platform? How many choices are thereIgnored