DislikedYou could even be right on your fundamental "analysis" and STILL lose 800 or 1,000 pips before the market starts moving in the expected direction.Ignored
It's also market sentiment. Working out what is being looked at today, for the week, possible reactions to announcements, how traders are and may be positioning if 'a' or 'b' and many more things. Economic fundamentals are only a small part of the overall picture.
You're trying to simplify something that isn't simple because you don't understand it.
What if you have a perfect price action setup and long AUD. Right after your entry commodities start moving down, stocks move down and a huge acquistion is announced that an aussie company is buying a US company. RBA releases a dovish statement. Do you just stay in the trade because the past price action was right? That's just unintelligent thinking.