I just finished watching 2 videos with hubby on Netflix and going to bed soon, but wanted to check in here before doing so.
THANK YOU so much, imjscn, for your WONDERFUL post!! That is the type HONESTY and OPENNESS that is needed in trading talk from Seniors to Juniors (and also to other Seniors)!!
Without this kind of honesty to what is going on (good and bad) with more experienced traders ... less experienced traders are then lead to believe that we have all the answers, when in truth, the answers for each person has to be experienced with time, practice and dedication. And even then, it is still very much a work in progress for all of us, no matter how many years experience one has, because EVERY trade is a new development, needing to be experienced and danced in its own way.
Again, thank you for so much answering, because to help Juniors in this thread means that we have to care enough about their welfare to give them the straight talk of what is true and happening for each of us ... the good, the bad or the ugly, lol.
We are not helping anyone, especially ourselves, if we continue to pretend glory, if in fact we are also experiencing setbacks. There is nothing gained for anybody by letting pride and ego give us false faces.
You have my total respect for being willing to share your experiences, thoughts and insights so honestly. Your sharing in just that one post gave me a good glimpse of who you are, more than all your other posts combined. I sense much integrity from you, it will be an honor to further have discussions with you.
I do want to address capital and MM little more later on (if not in the next couple days, then during the week), and I think that will be good and insightful discussion for ALL of us, both Seniors and Juniors to engage in.
Okay, I better go, my hubby is sitting here on the couch behind me waiting for me so we can go to bed, lol.
Talk again later when I can get back here. I will send you a PM tomorrow sometime. Goodnight, my dear
THANK YOU so much, imjscn, for your WONDERFUL post!! That is the type HONESTY and OPENNESS that is needed in trading talk from Seniors to Juniors (and also to other Seniors)!!
Without this kind of honesty to what is going on (good and bad) with more experienced traders ... less experienced traders are then lead to believe that we have all the answers, when in truth, the answers for each person has to be experienced with time, practice and dedication. And even then, it is still very much a work in progress for all of us, no matter how many years experience one has, because EVERY trade is a new development, needing to be experienced and danced in its own way.
Again, thank you for so much answering, because to help Juniors in this thread means that we have to care enough about their welfare to give them the straight talk of what is true and happening for each of us ... the good, the bad or the ugly, lol.
We are not helping anyone, especially ourselves, if we continue to pretend glory, if in fact we are also experiencing setbacks. There is nothing gained for anybody by letting pride and ego give us false faces.
You have my total respect for being willing to share your experiences, thoughts and insights so honestly. Your sharing in just that one post gave me a good glimpse of who you are, more than all your other posts combined. I sense much integrity from you, it will be an honor to further have discussions with you.
I do want to address capital and MM little more later on (if not in the next couple days, then during the week), and I think that will be good and insightful discussion for ALL of us, both Seniors and Juniors to engage in.
Okay, I better go, my hubby is sitting here on the couch behind me waiting for me so we can go to bed, lol.
Talk again later when I can get back here. I will send you a PM tomorrow sometime. Goodnight, my dear