Came across a very interesting article today ....... which basically says 82% of daytraders lose money on a consistent basis year after year and even the profitable ones make less than Raven the monkey ....... in case you didn't know Raven the monkey is somewhat like Paul the octopuss who had a great deal of success predicting winners at the recently concluded football world cup.
the article concludes
read the entire article
..... its an interesting read
the article concludes
QuoteDislikedWorse yet, the “winners” were the dumbest of all. The so-called winning traders were not only making less than Raven the monkey, they were making less than a buy’n’hold investor would have made from a portfolio with a thousands just sitting passively in tech funds and stocks in the 1995-1999 period. So once again our hat’s off to Odean and Barber, their two studies confirm the truth about trading, that … trading is a loser’s game.
The only people who really make money trading on a regular basis are the...
read the entire article
..... its an interesting read