DislikedCertainly I am not selling anything to anyone just offering good advice, as to trading with FXCM well your comments prove you know jack about who I trade with.Ignored
Seriously, there are not that many good US-based FX broker/bank options that offer MT4 support. CollectiveFX is closed to most new traders, opening up only once in a while for a very limited number of new traders. IBFX, FXDD and MBTrading, have various issues and I think are bucket shops. Interactive Brokers and ThinkOrSwim, as far as I know, do not offer MT4 support. Aside of FXCM and CitiFX, am I missing any other worthwhile US-based broker/bank option with MT4 support?
This is just based on an interpretation that as of October 18th, it will be illegal for me to use an offshore non-bank FX broker that isn't registered with CFTC/NFA, and I'm not interested in that legal can of worms.