OH look, my stupid ej trade that i risked 20 pips on, is now up 80 pips. I know it's one trade, means shit, but feels good to post on here.
Credible brokers? 31 replies
What makes a track record credible for Trading Firms? 0 replies
any credible broker with credit/card deposit in euro? 4 replies
Dislikedok, let's do the math:
All books are new, total cost: $131, free shipping for US customers
DislikedPlease note another thing !
From j16 member sign-up page:
You Should NOT Join the James 16 Group if:
You are looking to spend one month with us and obtain and understand everything we have to offer....Ignored
DislikedYou have to consider the psychology at play here. Newbie trader joins group, learns to trade no-edge random chart formation, bleeds his account dry, sees others "succeeding" (paid teachers/PR spokespersons, newbies who have yet to fail, random statistical outliers), newbie trader then blames himself for failing. Most in that situation would be shamed into negatively reacting. If that person spoke up about what happened, he'd be subject to outright public ridicule (what I referred to before about the "Wrath of the Followers").
DislikedI wonder if we can find one lifetime subscriber that has complaints to make.
Or 3 short term subscribers that have complaints to make.
If so many people are joining, and he's making so much money, and he's a scam,
surely we can find a bunch of peopel calling him a scam.Ignored
DislikedI was member 2 years ago
.... some core members already failed (PeterFM)....Ignored
all those books are free on the internet if you know how to search.
DislikedYes, for $129 you can get the top 10 trading books (if you can't find them for free on the internet.)....Ignored
QuoteDislikedIf you want to make an intelligent argument..