One of the forum members told me that it seems that FXCM doesn't guarantee fills on entries.
I couldn't believe it, so I chatted with several reps. I pasted the last lines, because the chats were very long.
At the bottom is a copy of another chat I had at the beginning of this year, where they told me that the fills are guaranteed, no matter what the mkt conditions are.
Although they advertise with "no-slippage", they don't guarantee no-slippage.
According to the last rep I spoke with, any professional trader should know this.
you: supervisor said ...
FXCM: ok
FXCM: i think i understand
FXCM: ok
FXCM: go ahead
you: that there will be slippage on it
you: during abnormal mkt conditions
you: for a straddle trade
you: so as I understand in correctly
you: there's no guarantee for entry fills
you: and slippage may occur
FXCM: for certain traders
FXCM: who consistently place entry orders filled at off market prices as per our guarantee, they have bene notified ahead of time
FXCM: that their entries cannot be guaranteed and that they should
FXCM: use market orders to position themselves in the market and take a position
FXCM: witha cacluated risk
FXCM: claculated risk
FXCM: Those traders however represetn about .001% of our client base
FXCM: and are professional traders who know
FXCM: that to fill an order off market is ludicrous. and dopesnt exist
FXCM: they understand that the larger a compnay, the better the price, and they know that trading with us, theyll get the best.
FXCM: they understand that our market environment is unrealistic
FXCM: and that it exists nowhere else in the world.
you: well that's the difference between electronic trading and institutional
FXCM: they also understand that that means sometimes, it is not perfect.
FXCM: actually
FXCM: there is a bigger difference
FXCM: between electronic trading and institutional
FXCM: namely
FXCM: no FIXED spreads
FXCM: in institutional trading, sorads are 30-50 pips
FXCM: spreads- 30-50 pips or non existent
you: I always have a 5pip spread for institutional trading
FXCM: that is they dont make a market
you: +slipapge
you: slippage
FXCM: slippage is also another featuer
FXCM: of institutional trading
FXCM: as well, as lack of price transparency
FXCM: as well as Indicative pricing
you: I have both
you: am using electronic for the "guaranteed" fills and no slippage
FXCM: right.
you: but anyway
you: the point is
you: that FXCM doesn't guarantee the entry orders. But only tries to honor it.
you: although it has been said several times in the past, that they guarantee the entry, no matter what prices are traded during the gap
you: it's just that I'm not happy with this change
FXCM: so, just quickly,
FXCM: (well come back to that conversation if you like about the guarantee)...
FXCM: but first i want to clarify something conceptual
you: ok
FXCM: regardless of our policy,
FXCM: do you think or expect that an order should be filled when a price is not traded at >?
FXCM: and , if so, how do you expect a dealer to do this?
FXCM: regardless of the market
you: if the company says they will do it, I expect they do it
you: so the answer is yes
you: if they don't do it, they souldn't advertise it
FXCM: indeed, we do however..
FXCM: if the market isnt there, then obviously, evne though we are the largest, and get the best prices, we cannot fill a trade at an off market pirce
FXCM: price
FXCM: even those who read or know about our policy on stops, limits and entries are well aware and understand that
you: ok, but then I see no reason anymore to stick with FXCM.
you: anyway, thanks for your time
you: got a question about entry orders and gaps on opening
(FXCM): certainly
you: for example : if I place a limit entry order SHORT EUR/USD at 1.2500
you: and firday the market closes at 1.2550
you: Let's say Sunday the market opens with a gap
you: at 1.2500 due to the G7
you: will my entry order be filled at 1.2550?or ignored? or filled at market order?
(FXCM): your entry order will be triggered exactly at the rate that you set it
you: sorry open at 1.2450
(FXCM): regardless of the market gap
(FXCM): that is the great thing about a no slippage policy
(FXCM): so that you wil be triggered on all stops, limits and entry orders
you: Ok, I just wanted to make sure
(FXCM): exactly at the rate that you designate
(FXCM): absoltuely
(FXCM): how is your trading going?
you: as some companies advertise with no-slippage, but they don't honor this with market gaps
you: trading is doing pretty well
(FXCM): i see
(FXCM): we absolutely honor these
(FXCM): even in market gaps
I couldn't believe it, so I chatted with several reps. I pasted the last lines, because the chats were very long.
At the bottom is a copy of another chat I had at the beginning of this year, where they told me that the fills are guaranteed, no matter what the mkt conditions are.
Although they advertise with "no-slippage", they don't guarantee no-slippage.
According to the last rep I spoke with, any professional trader should know this.
you: supervisor said ...
FXCM: ok
FXCM: i think i understand
FXCM: ok
FXCM: go ahead
you: that there will be slippage on it
you: during abnormal mkt conditions
you: for a straddle trade
you: so as I understand in correctly
you: there's no guarantee for entry fills
you: and slippage may occur
FXCM: for certain traders
FXCM: who consistently place entry orders filled at off market prices as per our guarantee, they have bene notified ahead of time
FXCM: that their entries cannot be guaranteed and that they should
FXCM: use market orders to position themselves in the market and take a position
FXCM: witha cacluated risk
FXCM: claculated risk
FXCM: Those traders however represetn about .001% of our client base
FXCM: and are professional traders who know
FXCM: that to fill an order off market is ludicrous. and dopesnt exist
FXCM: they understand that the larger a compnay, the better the price, and they know that trading with us, theyll get the best.
FXCM: they understand that our market environment is unrealistic
FXCM: and that it exists nowhere else in the world.
you: well that's the difference between electronic trading and institutional
FXCM: they also understand that that means sometimes, it is not perfect.
FXCM: actually
FXCM: there is a bigger difference
FXCM: between electronic trading and institutional
FXCM: namely
FXCM: no FIXED spreads
FXCM: in institutional trading, sorads are 30-50 pips
FXCM: spreads- 30-50 pips or non existent
you: I always have a 5pip spread for institutional trading
FXCM: that is they dont make a market
you: +slipapge
you: slippage
FXCM: slippage is also another featuer
FXCM: of institutional trading
FXCM: as well, as lack of price transparency
FXCM: as well as Indicative pricing
you: I have both
you: am using electronic for the "guaranteed" fills and no slippage
FXCM: right.
you: but anyway
you: the point is
you: that FXCM doesn't guarantee the entry orders. But only tries to honor it.
you: although it has been said several times in the past, that they guarantee the entry, no matter what prices are traded during the gap
you: it's just that I'm not happy with this change
FXCM: so, just quickly,
FXCM: (well come back to that conversation if you like about the guarantee)...
FXCM: but first i want to clarify something conceptual
you: ok
FXCM: regardless of our policy,
FXCM: do you think or expect that an order should be filled when a price is not traded at >?
FXCM: and , if so, how do you expect a dealer to do this?
FXCM: regardless of the market
you: if the company says they will do it, I expect they do it
you: so the answer is yes
you: if they don't do it, they souldn't advertise it
FXCM: indeed, we do however..
FXCM: if the market isnt there, then obviously, evne though we are the largest, and get the best prices, we cannot fill a trade at an off market pirce
FXCM: price
FXCM: even those who read or know about our policy on stops, limits and entries are well aware and understand that
you: ok, but then I see no reason anymore to stick with FXCM.
you: anyway, thanks for your time
you: got a question about entry orders and gaps on opening
(FXCM): certainly
you: for example : if I place a limit entry order SHORT EUR/USD at 1.2500
you: and firday the market closes at 1.2550
you: Let's say Sunday the market opens with a gap
you: at 1.2500 due to the G7
you: will my entry order be filled at 1.2550?or ignored? or filled at market order?
(FXCM): your entry order will be triggered exactly at the rate that you set it
you: sorry open at 1.2450
(FXCM): regardless of the market gap
(FXCM): that is the great thing about a no slippage policy
(FXCM): so that you wil be triggered on all stops, limits and entry orders
you: Ok, I just wanted to make sure
(FXCM): exactly at the rate that you designate
(FXCM): absoltuely
(FXCM): how is your trading going?
you: as some companies advertise with no-slippage, but they don't honor this with market gaps
you: trading is doing pretty well
(FXCM): i see
(FXCM): we absolutely honor these
(FXCM): even in market gaps