- | Joined Feb 2010 | Status: Bulls and Bears, dual to the death | 183 Posts
Make money or go broke... its the Forex way.
An Edge for an Edge (System Development) 116 replies
Why your broker is your friend and your enemy 4 replies
How do you gain, and measure, your trading system's statistical edge? 29 replies
What's your edge? 23 replies
DislikedMy "edge" is my practical trading METHOD. It involves bloody hard work, the willingness to think, learn from mistakes, adapt, in staying humble and in seeking satisfaction in learning that previous held assumptions are simply not correct. The edge is in the method - trade execution and profitability are just the outcomes of the method.
My edge does not reside in a "system," EA, or in technical indicators and it was not found magically by looking into a mirror. My edge has taken many years of hard work to develop and I must assume that to stay...Ignored
DislikedIf I REALLY tell you do you promise to pay my mortgage and support my wife and kids?Ignored
DislikedAn 'edge', in the classic mathematical sense, must be measurable and definable....Ignored
DislikedAn 'edge', in the classic mathematical sense, must be measurable and definable. With regards to this, traders have no edge.Ignored
DislikedNo one on this board can predict the next pip, or 10 pips, or 100 for that matter over a long time horizion with any consistency that could yeild results any better than flipping a coin. No need to debate that statement here, many threads have already done so and the results are in. Many traders "think", believe, and hope they have an edge, but all of their collective thinking does not amount to a bucket of spit.Ignored
Disliked....But that does not change negative expectancy. Keep trading long enough and your fortunes will reverse.Ignored
DislikedAn 'edge', in the classic mathematical sense, must be measurable and definable. With regards to this, traders have no edge. Yes, there may be a handful of traders who have developed a method to create a measurable edge in trading--- but if so, they ain't talking. No one on this board can predict the next pip, or 10 pips, or 100 for that matter over a long time horizion with any consistency that could yeild results any better than flipping a coin. No need to debate that statement here, many threads have already done so and the results are in. Many...Ignored
DislikedWith respect I'll call BS on that.
An edge in the classical mathematical sense is actually usually the intersection of two surfaces.
But in the statistical / probability of gambling sense an edge is simply a probability of profit that may be expressed in terms of a probability of win, win to loss ratio, and standard deviation. Most traders will never be able to express their edge as I think you are suggesting. Also the edge statistics fluctuate in a macro sense and may disappear for a time or all time ... like the quiet war casino's run against...Ignored
Dislikedhow can you say no one on this board has an edge thats a very big statement i think you will find half the people here wouldnt tell you if they had an edge anyway for fear of being bugged by others for it. so when you say NO one has an edge in the real world they do in forex factory we are all moving average traders.Ignored