Does any one know of good investment ideas for 1% return a month? With low risk if possible

VennD - Any Pairs - Any Style - Any Time 741 replies
I'm seeking a trailing stop EA that surely must exist, any ideas? 108 replies
Problem with candles. Any ideas? 3 replies
I'd rather like the EA responsible for this, any ideas where it can be got? 9 replies
DislikedDoes any one know of good investment ideas for 1% return a month? With low risk if possibleIgnored
DislikedWon't be able to tell you a system but I can give you a tip.
Calculate how many pips you have to make per day in order to make that monthly 1%.
Then it will be easier to find a system for you.Ignored
DislikedDoes any one know of good investment ideas for 1% return a month? With low risk if possibleIgnored
DislikedIntensity 2 pips looks so easy bit i think it's going to really hard to make that consistent. If you know of any system please let me know.Ignored
DislikedThat's extremely easy
Create an Oanda account, leverage 50:1, use 10% of your equity and aim for 2 pips a day. Use a pair with a low spread like EURUSD or USDJPY (spread<1 pip). Trade higher timeframes. Never try to make more than 2 pips.
You've got the basic ideanow finding a trading system that can give you a 2 pips edge isn't that hard.
DislikedSell in resistances, buy in supports, sell in supports breakouts, buy in resistances breakouts, 10 pips of SL, 20 pips of TP. That's all you need. You can make it even with buy and sell limits and with buy and sell stops, spending only 5 minutes at day. Minimum leverage to achieve this: 10:1. Good luck.Ignored
DislikedTrad3r Which timeframe ? and where exactly you set your limit and stop orders. I think if you have both buy in support and sell in support breakout one of the trade is doomed to fail rightIgnored