I opened FXopen ECN account and deposited $500 with Alert pay. After Alert pay fee I got $480.46 in trading right away. When I opened my first lot 50k of GBP/USD by that time I was getting 1:500 leverage and out with 10pips in Asian session. I opened again 50k lot and out with 10pips. But before NY open I open 100k lots my SL was 15pips but I got stop out after 8 pips negative. When I contact them by chat she said I had the margin call. I told them I had enough margin. They said we offer 1:100 account below 1000$. I told them I was able to open 50k lot in the earlier but I never stop out. I said if you offer 1:100 leverage how I would able to open lots more than the leverage you offer. I ask why my leverage change to 1:500 to 1:100. I request her to credit the money to this trade because this is not a problem at my end. After doing many chat and wasting a lot of time explaining this about issue they delinted to refund. I need help. Please help me to find a way to get my money. I want to file a complaint about this broker.Thank you