Dislikedcongratulations medbs. how many trades do you make on average per month?Ignored
The HOLY GRAIL 130 replies
Developing the "Holy Grail" Trading System 4 replies
Holy grail trading system wanted, or nearest thing to it! 43 replies
6 Steps To Finding Your Personal Holy Grail 6 replies
The Search for the Holy Grail 1 reply
DislikedIt all started when I tried to find a strategy that makes positive results every month, thereafter, I developed it for weeks with a positive result until I created a 100% winning strategy.
I know, nobody will believe me here, so do I, in the beginning; after months and months of trial on demo accounts and real accounts, i finished by believing in this strategy.
The only reason that prompted me to open this thread is to show everyone that Holy Grail does exist and all that you have to do is to open your mind.
So please: No criticizes before...Ignored