Quoting WTBDisliked.... I cannot justify remaining in the trade as I can't clearly see the pattern picture anymore.Ignored
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Why is GBPUSD called cable? 76 replies
GBPUSD today 10 replies
1D - GBPUSD 2 replies
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Quoting howwwndogDislikedCan anyone comment on this massive drop? 250 pips .. 5 hours..
despite all the chart analysis, what was the factor which drove this sucker to the floor?.
By the way this is more or less a 2 year low for the GBP/USD.Ignored
Quoting howwwndogDislikedCan anyone comment on this massive drop? 250 pips .. 5 hours...Ignored
Quoting james16Dislikedi dont know but i am upset because my system would have caught it had i been at my computer. i almost croaked when i saw it. jimIgnored
Quoting james16Dislikedi dont know but i am upset because my system would have caught it had i been at my computer. i almost croaked when i saw it. jimIgnored