DislikedWho, do you mean who as in who is making price?
From memory Reuters 3000 Xtra had the 'who', mind you I don't know how extensive it was and you need to be a speed reader but I saw some household names flashing through. The fun part for me was watching quotes and spreads across one NFP, all I can say is wow, those people are nuts!Ignored
Something else to think about is the banks dealers who provide liquidity. Ever wonder why Institutions get better spreads than lone traders? Because financial Institutions are classed as Informed--- On the surface I guess your thinking, 'well why would that meen they get charged less?', well, by keeping Informed trader's on your books you are gaining valuable information. And the theory is that aggregate informed orders are a much better indicator of future price changes than one, it makes sense.
Now to link the above para in to what im saying: trading is a 1st in wins kinda game, assuming the move is favourable. Why would you think you can beat a bank at figuring out upcoming market moves caused by 1000's of traders? Remember that they have many Informed traders order info..... What do we have?
Interesting stuff.
Living the adventure in my head.