DislikedMary...it's not for me, it's for the newbies and beginners-a little info for them to ponder.
Does not apply to me in the slightest,so therefore it's a waste of my time.
As my time is worth thousands of dollars an hour,why is it so hard to understand?
I've been trading FX live and profiting very nicely for almost 6 years now. Excepting holidays, anywhere from 10 to 16 hours a day with multiple 100k lots.
Did you profit 740 pips in four days this week?
Are you going to write me a check to spend half an hour looking up useless,to me, info?...Ignored
May be you should let me have a try at the stuff you're taking.
Even if I could write you a cheque, I don't see why in the world I should?
You where advocating high leverage as an advantage to newbies with small accounts and the bad NFA is taking that away from them.
I was saying high leverage is dumb.
Because: High leverage + small account = small margin of error
Hence: newbie (making many errors) + high leverage + small account = Rich Broker
Anyways, you still managed to stray off topic and tell us what a big shot you are and too cool for school.
Sorry to hear that you feel you're wasting your time in your thread.
If its any consolation to you, you're not the only one who feels that way.
In the meantime I'll watch out who's roaming this forum, and take things with a pinch of salt.
Be like a post stamp! Stick to it until you get there!