I have not figured out how to work around this.
- | Joined May 2009 | Status: Banned | 47 Posts
I don't know what time it is at your place, but right here it's 4:20.
Trading System Using Relative Strength-Part 2 1,499 replies
Updated CCFp and CFP indis for relative strength trading 55 replies
Trading system using relative strength 2,810 replies
Relative Strength Basket Trading System 3,479 replies
DislikedNone at all. The FXOpen demo does not have that blasted IBFX 'm' pair suffix, so the software on the IBFX account cannot recognise the symbol it receives from the FXOpen file transfer software.
I have not figured out how to work around this.
DislikedHmmm, would it be an idea to open a different demo, without the m, and just try between demo's first, just to establish that the principle works?Ignored
DislikedSteve. I am wondering if you could make a change in the Daily Cross. My broker has fairly high minimum stop loss (30 pips on AudNzd). I would like to set a more reasonable stop loss on most other pairs but that just creates errors on all trades on AudNzd if it is less than 30.
If you could change the code such that it checks to see if the requested TP or SL meets the broker minimum and if not, change it to that minimum. I grabbed some code as an example:
int BrokerStopLevel = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL);
Current_Hour = Hour();
Newcomers, you are most welcome here. However welcome you are, you still have to do the basic work. Until your posts prove that you have done this, I shall continue to ignore your posts. Please believe me when I say that the quality of them do make clear your understanding of the underlying strategies and the development of the robots that trade them.
If you do not understand the strategies these robots trade then you cannot use them safely. They will wipe your accounts clean.
If you understand so little that you cannot even make the robots work for you, then I am glad they are not working. They are not killing your account either.
DislikedPeople are posting queries here that prove they have not even properly read the first post in this thread.
Right at the start, I posted this:
I say these things to new readers:[list][*]Do not try to use the EA's posted here until you have learned the underlying systems from KG's thread, and have traded them manually. These are not 'EA for dummies' robots. Follow these steps:[list][*][color=Blue]Read sundog's summary of the trading methods attached as 'KG Relative Strength trading methods - a brief summary.pdf'....Ignored
DislikedSteve I hear what you are saying. I have read this thread / forum twice this week end. I set everything up the way I understood and it is not taking any trades. Attached is my set file. Can you look at it?Ignored