daily as show a good bearish move ..
Auslanco-GBP/JPY Strength Indicator strategy 345 replies
Auslanco 15min GBP/JPY startegy 630 replies
My MT4 indicators for Auslanco's strategy 92 replies
Auslanco 15 minute Strategy Oanda FXManager Updates.. 62 replies
Questions About Auslanco's Trades 72 replies
Disliked135.73 (previous swing low) is the ultimate trigger....
if taken out then safe to assume that we see new lows.Ignored
thanks for the heads up bro.
why do you think i just shot my tiny few minutes ago?Ignored
I am staying out until further confirmation.
Thanks to everyone in this thread.Ignored
DislikedThe SPREAD just droped to 4.8 from 5. It is generally 6-7 in Asian session. I have never seen something like this.
The last time that it happened, GJ toke a dive. What is the spread on your platforms?Ignored
DislikedHi Fusion,
Can you tell me when this happened?
I don't know much about the corellation (I saw a little bit about it in MTM) so I'm just interested to check it out myself...
DislikedHe, base my 2 sen, i think the gbpusd will going up, this is the fact cause US drop about 80%. Good news for buyer..sss
ermm..this is only opinionIgnored