I was shocked to learn that traderchat.com had gone 'off the air' as well. I had talked with Lane Mendelsohn (son of the Vantage Point founder & currently VP of Market Technologies) back about the time the site was getting started. I contacted him today when I saw your post <above> and asked 'what the heck happened'?? He clarified a couple of things:
(1) TraderChat.com is owned & operated by TradingEducation.com, not Market Technologies; they are 2 very separate entities and operations.
Lane IS involved in all those companies, as he IS actually the founder of TradingEducation.com, and they ARE housed in the same large office building as Market Technologies. These are not some kind of deep dark or sinister secrets folks -- they are public facts. In fact, Lane was interviewed by Stocks & Commodities magazine back in January of this year, and they discussed these issues.
The operations are totally separate, and most if not all the employees of Market Technologies are not employees of TradingEducation.com nor TraderChat.com.
TradingEducation.com & TraderChat.com subsist, survive & operate, based on advertising revenue. In other words -- advertisers 'pay per click' to the hosting website (TradingEducation & TraderChat) when users of those sites click on their ads. That was Lane's concept when he started the sites -- provide awesome resources for traders, free of charge, due to the ad revenue generated by the sites. He told me that Market Technologies actually pays advertising fees to the sites just like all the other advertisers.
Lane said the click-based revenue from the TraderChat.com site had dropped to the point it could not sustain the costs of its own operation -- and so it was shut down, pure & simple. Makes sense to me.
TradingEducation.com is much broader in its scope than 'just' Vantage Point, and Lane said the revenue from that site remains strong.
Why did traffic to the TraderChat website decline? Probably many reasons, not the least of which was surely that several of the Vantage Point 'super users' who were posting and contributing to the site got tired of being flamed and attacked by others -- so, they walked away.
I think that's a shame, and frankly, it irritates me, because ~alot~ of us would certainly like to read and learn more about and leverage their 'adventures' and experience and insights with Vantage Point!...
Do I think Vantage Point is a scam, a charlatan, a poser? No. Is it the holy grail, the 'black box' trading system, with iron clad, can't miss, buy-sell signals? Again, No. (the Company even goes to great lengths on their website, right next to the examples they post, to tell you that.)
Further: Am i related to them, do I work for them, do I have some vested interested in Market Technologies, or TraderEducation.com or any of that? Again, No.
I ~am~ however a fan of neural network technology, having developed and used them in some pretty significant engineering analyses involving orbit mechanics and space vehicle dynamics; I've seen neural nets interpolate on multi-dimensional data in ways no other tools could do, and provide the 'right' answers. Having that experience is what drew me to adding Vantage Point to my trading toolbox.
I think people should learn it, use it, or leave it -- just like any other consumer product. If someone has a beef with the Company, take it up with them; but don't take it out on people who are just working to use the software more and more effectively.Ignored
Firstly did you notice how this thread has been moved to the recycle bin already, what a surprise.
Traderchat was set up by VP as a marketing tool, they used to direct potential customers to the site to 'prove' that people were using it successfully. I know this because Lane himself asked me to post something favourable there, he said thats where people looked when deciding whether or not to buy the product. I could find the e mail if you dont believe me.
Recently an entire thread was deleted from traderchat because it contained critical posts about VP and now the entire site has been taken down, dont you think that maybe they just decided that it was more of a liability than it was worth?
The bottom line is that the only resource that offered some hope of ever using VP successfully has been removed, I suppose that's one more reason why potential buyers should stay away.