up baby up

i would be more sure if we close above 1.07
Auslanco-GBP/JPY Strength Indicator strategy 345 replies
Auslanco 15min GBP/JPY startegy 630 replies
My MT4 indicators for Auslanco's strategy 92 replies
Auslanco 15 minute Strategy Oanda FXManager Updates.. 62 replies
Questions About Auslanco's Trades 72 replies
Dislikedbro, how many monitors do you have to trade those multiple pairs. lol.
I'm having tough time trading 2 pairs at a time.:
DislikedYep, it is mine setup, 1 PC with 4monitors for charting only. The left monitor is a sepparate PC for Tradiing, and chat only..
wait to see in about a month time my new SetupIgnored
DislikedYou inspired me:
After your plan for HAWAII holiday, and this GY DROP, I am planing to have a SPACE HOLIDAY (on moon)Ignored
DislikedI see potential formation of Bullish Flag in USD/JPY. We are at Critical point right now on GY.Ignored
what is your viewpoint about a retrace for GJ for example 207.50 or 208.40 ?Ignored