Dislikedjust a quick question,...to shorters,..how does your shorts fell right now????Ignored
on the other hand im not a short term trader
Auslanco-GBP/JPY Strength Indicator strategy 345 replies
Auslanco 15min GBP/JPY startegy 630 replies
My MT4 indicators for Auslanco's strategy 92 replies
Auslanco 15 minute Strategy Oanda FXManager Updates.. 62 replies
Questions About Auslanco's Trades 72 replies
Dislikedjust a quick question,...to shorters,..how does your shorts fell right now????Ignored
Dislikedassuming these lines are genuin i guess it could go down a bit without breaking the trend, or whats you thoughts?Ignored
DislikedCan anybody here help explain the seeming decoupling of these yen pairs with the Dow. The relationship looks like its flown out the window. I'd always thought a equity fall usually resulted in heightened risk aversion leading to a decline in carry trading and vice versa. Is this movement a result of intervention?Ignored
DislikedThat's why I'm waiting for a short signal on 15m and also keep ana eye on the hourly/4h momentumsIgnored
DislikedThat's why I'm waiting for a short signal on 15m and also keep ana eye on the hourly/4h momentumsIgnored
DislikedI just don't know I really was looking to see usd be bearish I'm going to just going to set tp for eur/usd at a safe 1.5600 and usd/chf 1.0300 nice round numbers and move my stop losses to lock in profit I have an appointment I go to and that would be some good pips to start the week off.Ignored
Dislikedgood actually, i wouldnt wanna be long. hedging is always an option.... wont do it though.
on the other hand im not a short term traderIgnored
DislikedThis forum needs an age limit. What are you 12 years old? You have not said anything in the last week that makes any sense.
Why would this go to 217?
P.S. Is there any way we can "BAN" certain people?Ignored
DislikedFrom what I can see the money is sloshing into oil and other commodities...any guesses what the next bubbles are going to be.
Whilst all this volatility is nice for us parasites on the financial system, something really should be done...this stuff destroys people's lives.Ignored
Dislikedcan we say officially now, that we are going south a bit
EU up
UJ down
GJ gann and QQE downIgnored
Dislikedcan we say officially now, that we are going south a bit
EU up
UJ down
GJ gann and QQE downIgnored