DislikedThis does seem to be a bit of a personal obsession with you. But I find the whole thing pretty tedious.
I told you that I was pro-choice on the issue. If you're more comfortable dealing in percentages, do it. But I wasn't interested in being browbeat into submission. And that's still true.
So good luck with the crusade. I still believe you'll fall short in converting the whole world to your way of thinking.
P.S. Let me clue you into something that is important. My position on this issue has absolutely, positively NOTHING to do with, "...a fundamental disregard of basic risk management ideas."
That's preposterous!
And you need to stop long enough to let that fact sink in. I'm finished with this discussion about your rant.Ignored
- | Commercial Member | Joined Sep 2006 | 1,911 Posts
Do not focus on making money; focus on protecting what you have.
- | Commercial Member | Joined Sep 2006 | 1,911 Posts
Do not focus on making money; focus on protecting what you have.
- | Commercial Member | Joined Sep 2006 | 1,911 Posts
Do not focus on making money; focus on protecting what you have.