Hmm... I think there is no need for a template. I just use the 3 moving averages, nothing more...
Regards - Xaron
Regards - Xaron
Martingale, Reverse Martingale, Modified Martingale, Maths 1 reply
PowerSM Semi-Martingale EA Trades 54 replies
Safe (PowerSM Modified) EA 72 replies
FXTradepro: Strategy using a “Semi-Martingale” Position Sizing 659 replies
Simple MACD w/ Semi-Martingale MM 8 replies
DislikedI'll use this sequence using my entry technique from now on. I'll use it on the EUR/USD primary. The risk/reward is great for such a strategy. Even if I lose a sequence I only need two winners to recover.
Regards - XaronIgnored
DislikedHi Xaron.... can you clarify your 5m entry concept? I checked the thread you referenced earlier, which is pretty dang complicated... looks like you just use the 3 ma, but do you use a simple cross? or all the variaus slope criterea in the thread...
thanks for the idea!Ignored
DislikedHey Xaron......If you modify the TP to 50 Pips your risk/reward will improve even more. That assumes that you feel your entry technique can get you 50 pips instead of 40.
Good Trading !
DislikedHad to adjust my TP and stop to remove the invalid stop errors. I'm trying out a lower Breakeven level to see if we get more re-enters in the sequence. Here is what they are now:
Pair Take Profit Stoploss Breakeven
Eur/Usd 48 12 24
Usd/Jpy 48 12 24
Usd/Chf 52 13 26
Eur/Chf 56 14 28
Gbp/Usd 60 15 30
Results for 4/18/2008. Usd/Chf and Usd/Jpy picked up where they left offIgnored