DislikedIf your still gonna put on a seminar YOU need to decide where it will be. Those that are truly interested will come, weather it's in there home town or not. Get your ducks in a row as to costs, dates and location, get the people to register and require a registration fee, if not enough register to cover your cost, cancel the seminar and refund the registrations, if everything comes together but people don't show NO refund of registration fee's
Pick a place that is easy for people to get to has decent facilities and reasonable prices. JMHO
afterthought....... also any participants must leave their trading systems at the door,(this is because a group with so many different ideas can throw a discussion completely off course. this would be your seminar, keep control of the discussions.) they are there to learn your concepts. Not conceptualize their own.Ignored
You have some valid points, all of which are being considered. I had thought by keeping it in the center of the Eastern US we would have the best turn out possibilities. As of right now it would be less work to help the people that can make it-one on one than to hold the workshop. (lol)
When I get back into town on Tues I will be sending out another email to everyone, so I better understand where the hang ups are. From there we will decide if it is possible or not. The only other options I see for location are Dallas and Vegas and the date (from some feedback). We'll see.
And yes......No systems allowed, you will be escorted out the door by my body guard Shootist and dealt with accordingly.

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