Hey there FxPip, I just saw your thread and it seems like you have a pretty effective strategy! I will follow this thread and wish you the best of luck on your trades.
I'm looking to start a live account soon, so I'm pretty excited, and every time I see someone achieving great results like this, it's more encouraging!
Keep up the good work, and if it keeps working so great, feel free to let me know what indicators you're using to trade the EuroYen! http://forexfactory.com/images/icons/icon10.gif
I'm looking to start a live account soon, so I'm pretty excited, and every time I see someone achieving great results like this, it's more encouraging!
Keep up the good work, and if it keeps working so great, feel free to let me know what indicators you're using to trade the EuroYen! http://forexfactory.com/images/icons/icon10.gif