So I got tired of chasing down each pair by thread name, and I'm creating this thread to post my eternally valuable insights and unquestionable trade possibilities on the various pairs that present opportunities for an entry, on sensible timeframes, and with concise reasoning. Please feel free to join in, no matter how you trade or how unpretty your charts. A little explanation doesn't hurt, neither do targets, but its not always necessary especially if you have some arkane method nobody will understand let alone agree with.
I hope we see some actual, real-time trading discussions rather than the useless quarreling that generally results from arguments on theory. Put your trades where your mouth is.. and no, egos are not involved. After thousands of trades your ego should have left your trading setups a long, long time ago.
Finally, this is not meant as some sort of signal service. I personally will try to post only a few trades, particularly those that demonstrate some setup or price activity pattern.
Good luck.
I hope we see some actual, real-time trading discussions rather than the useless quarreling that generally results from arguments on theory. Put your trades where your mouth is.. and no, egos are not involved. After thousands of trades your ego should have left your trading setups a long, long time ago.
Finally, this is not meant as some sort of signal service. I personally will try to post only a few trades, particularly those that demonstrate some setup or price activity pattern.
Good luck.
Virtue finds and chooses the mean.
Aristotle, Ethica Nichomachea