Dislikedhey whats up mikelath i wanted to find out where should i start on the post to see the improve strategy i notice the daily 95 has change can you direct to new what number post so i can try this strategy and also what platform are you using and one other qustion is there a file to find support and resistance that could be added to mt4Ignored
Daily95pips - post#1. Any alterations/additions are included there.
If your interested in the 'ranging' approach start reading from post#138 any post made by bksujal.
I use Oanda trading platform for this strategy.
Regarding S/R , there are NO indicators used or needed with the Daily95pips strategy because it simply relies on a breakout from the previous days high or low using pending orders. IMHO to add indicators would unnecessarily overcomplicate this system.
I hope this helps.