Dislikedjust gone short, the numerous wicks tell me sellers are there, let's see {image}Ignored
the cautious seldom err....C
Multi time frame Simple MACD system 824 replies
Time Frame Vs Personality, Which to choose as Main Time Frame? Who Are You? 10 replies
Multiple Time Frame Trading: In a divergence, which frame dictates? 6 replies
Time frame and Enter/Exit, Time frame and S/L, T/P relationships. 91 replies
Question on Lower Time Frame Indicators Vs. Longer Time Frame 7 replies
Dislikedjust gone short, the numerous wicks tell me sellers are there, let's see {image}Ignored
Dislikedtaken partial and stop moved to b/e Edit: target as shown on D chart {image} {image}Ignored
DislikedIf you are using Ctrader, be careful with the inbuilt take profit program. My final exit (4th TP) did not activate as it was taken out at the 3rd exit and so my profit was reduced. I guess nothing is perfect {image}Ignored