In MT4, click on 'Window' and 'Tile Vertically' to get your screens split

Guppy's Multi-Moving Average (GMMA) 855 replies
Guppy Multiple Moving Avarages (GMMA) 50 replies
The Ultimate Guppy Multiple Moving Average (GMMA) Thread 73 replies
Guppy GMMA in 3D 3 replies
Book Wanted: Trend Trading By Guppy 3 replies
Disliked{quote} Sir, our templete is just 27kb as i have removed all objects before saving the templete. If you are worried about slowing down of MT4 that is already taken care of. It dosent matter how many vertical lines are there on the chart, MT4 will run smoothly.Ignored
Disliked{quote} I do not think that you can or have the ability to help anybody, here! One reason is that you are dodging my questions - not answering them! People tend to think that You are some authority because you are MD. DR. Well, like you say, your authority is in cancer surgery, not in trading financial instruments. Have you considered the possibility that you can be doing more harm than helping?Ignored
Disliked{quote} Hi @walvekarraje, Where can I find the histogram indicator? I have looked around and not seeing. I have the others, okay. tks, cdkIgnored
Disliked{quote} Hello walvekarraje! In this case, assuming rsioma is below line 20, is it valid?Ignored
Disliked{quote} Hi BestTraderEv, you can do the Dashboard... indicators are in source code = outputIgnored
Disliked{quote} A gift for you! i came across this dashbord. Ihave not checked it but looks good. kindly test it in live market and let us know. {image} {file}Ignored
DislikedI'm still practicing, the results are getting better day by day but there's still a long road ahead. Great strategy.Ignored
DislikedHi walvekarraje, Thank you very much for this system of trading, I will test it on demo account. Which time frame do you recommand to test it?Ignored