Don't trade because you think you have to do something.

- | Joined Sep 2019 | Status: Member | 187 Posts
Don't trade because you think you have to do something.
Guppy's Multi-Moving Average (GMMA) 855 replies
Guppy Multiple Moving Avarages (GMMA) 50 replies
The Ultimate Guppy Multiple Moving Average (GMMA) Thread 73 replies
Guppy GMMA in 3D 3 replies
Book Wanted: Trend Trading By Guppy 3 replies
DislikedThankyou everyone for standing by me. I will reupload all files tomorrowIgnored
Disliked{quote} If you think that I will be using this strategy, you are mistaken... As I said above, your strategy is missing all the most important elements It's like saying: look guys, here is a powerful land-mine, I know how to disarm it, but you must learn on your own. Is that how you learned to operate on cancer patients? By trial and error? Or, just maybe, you have strict procedures which you must follow?Ignored
DislikedThankyou everyone for standing by me. I will reupload all files tomorrowIgnored
Disliked{quote} BestTraderEv. If you find this strategy does not help you, please go elsewhere and say nothing more here.Ignored
Disliked{quote} You are absolutely entitled to have your opinion! However, you have no right or place to tell me what to do or not to do! And, for sure, you won't be getting any coding help from me! If anyone is interested, this is what this strategy can be stripped down to: {image} And nothing else is needed, just Money Management. Just one thing: the SL lines are total BS. If we follow any of those SL lines, we will not get the full potential of the move. But, on the other hand, if we don't, we will lose more. So, there is no golden rule. We must do it...Ignored
Disliked{quote} You are absolutely entitled to have your opinion! However, you have no right or place to tell me what to do or not to do! And, for sure, you won't be getting any coding help from me! If anyone is interested, this is what this strategy can be stripped down to: {image} And nothing else is needed, just Money Management. Just one thing: the SL lines are total BS. If we follow any of those SL lines, we will not get the full potential of the move. But, on the other hand, if we don't, we will lose more. So, there is no golden rule. We must do it...Ignored
Disliked{quote} look rubbish in comparison to the guppy approach, IMHOIgnored
Disliked{quote} Very interesting looking chart BestTraderEv, I am interested to know...Ignored
DislikedHello BestTraderEver. I suggest you pour yourself a couple of knuckles of good scotch tonight and sit down. Read all your post to this thread, and think about it. What do you see? All I can do is pray for you.Ignored
Disliked{quote} very interesting looking chart? lol are you serious, it looks like a chart my 5 year old drew all over, you clearly are a fan of BesTradeEv
Disliked{quote} Actually, the image the Dr presented looks like we used to paint our first picture of a tree in kindergarten. A huge blob of paint on the paper which doesn't resemble anything real. It resembles something I was doing maybe ten years ago. My chart was so full of lines and zones, and what not, that the real candles become invisible. And in this Guppy thing, the candles aren't even real! You show me one proffessional trader who trades such stuff! What do you think that all those lines, colors, and stuff actually add to your trading results?...Ignored
Disliked{quote} clearly the comments from those on this thread speak volumes about DR approach and his charting style compared to yours that only one of your side kicks supports on. most people right about now from the shame would know to bow out, but you are just a shameless wannabe. good luck and again may i suggest you have a few beers tonight it is friday and let your hair down bruvIgnored
DislikedThankyou everyone for standing by me. I will reupload all files tomorrowIgnored
Disliked{quote} Dear Doctor! The fact that I am commenting on your thread means that I care! I am not doing a compaign against You personally. I have no influence on the fact that stupid people don't understand anything and just react like moths to light! I do support You and I just want to make your strategy better. I have seen this many times! They react like a magpie to glittering things, they love You, and after a while, when they start losing, they hate You. And, as the above posts clearly show, they don't even know what they are using. I literally...Ignored