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Quoting SkullCandy Disliked {quote} Hedged. {image} Ignored
Quoting sambhav30 Disliked {quote} on which bases you prefer to take trades generally? Ignored
Quoting zuko Disliked {quote}....... why you are counting to 6? Why 6 is so powerful?...... Ignored
Quoting zuko Disliked post your profits like other do it Ignored
Quoting magistr91 Disliked {изображение} Ignored
Quoting sambhav30 Disliked 2325,2331,2336 resistance in my pov Ignored
Quoting nave02051986 Disliked Boom {image} Ignored
Quoting profits7 Disliked {quote} _______________ ur mobile_demo_CRAPPP all fukedUp m8 = Not yet boom boom Ignored