Disliked{quote} Hello jeanlouie, thank you for indicator really I want specific may be it could possible to do this way for example 1st step when indicator it draw 1st horizontal line over the current price. This line stays at the point it is placed 2nd step draw 2nd horizontal line above it with the certain points. This line must be coloured lime and with style 4 and can be moved above or below the 1st horizontal line when it moved below the 1st horizontal line it must be change the colour red and stay with same style. And do inform the point far from...Ignored
Now is:
These are the initial settings we can define.
So, every time we change some parameter in this window, the line will reset to those parameters.
When the line is on the chart, it is in the unselected mode, and it is then moving with the Ask/Bid price according to the initial settings.
Hovering the cursor over the line or label will show a tooltip with the info if line is from Ask, or from Bid.
We can move the line by selecting it.
Moving the line changes the distance from the price, and this is visible in the label.
When the line is in the selected mode, it doesn't move with the price.
We need to unselect it in order for the line to move with the price.
Attached File(s)
16 KB
Do not change the file name!
PS, Sorry for the initial fluke in the name!
Not "Morti", but "Moti", of course!!!
Wooden Coder BestTraderEv