Fear of God ---beginning of Understnding

COT Interpretation 3 replies
Visual Interpretation to Mathematical Values Problem 4 replies
I need an economic explanation 4 replies
Dislikedu mean on front of FF?
Actual is the true result of the report, so the exact figure that has been announced.
Forecast is what this figure is predicted to be before its released, generally accurate but never 100% reliable.
Im not sure by what u mean real?
The + and - in green and red mean the impact the released result is supposed to have on the currency. So if its red and - it is bad for the currency, and green + means its good for c
An example was the recent negative interest drop here in the UK. Even though interest dropped 50 BPS, GBP was bullish...Ignored
DislikedIf this discussion is still available, I am looking for a page which I can no longer locate on FF and wondering if someone could assist me with this. I'm wondering whether when the Actual is red, it represents a bad consequence, when it's green, a good outcome, and when it's black, it's neutral?Ignored