So are you trading forex Igork and if you do who is your broker..caz i'm making a living from this but the only thing that i've told you about is that i never feel safe i always feel that my money is gonna vanish one day not because of me but because of the broker going bankrupt or something like that ..thats why i'm always keeping the amount out there as small as i can and always withdrow profits so its like wishing to have a chicken farm and insted of leaving the eggs to grow to another full chicken you get all the eggs in the mornning and eat it for breakfast so at the end of every day you only have the old mother chicken you'll never have this farm, all of that is because of my bad experience with refco and all of this i'm reading and hearing on the we have a problem every body saying its risky or all brokers wants to take your what is the answer..the solution please..thanks in advance.