One thing you will never see from any "day-trading" guru or "expert" a three
year independent audit of their trading account.
At least four major unversity studies that either tracked, for example...300 day-
traders or trading indicators (like MACD etc...) over the course of a few years
determined that 98% lose their money over any one year. The 2% that do make any
money one year, will most probably lose their money the following year.
It's hilarical to hear the system-sellers say how much they "love to help people", so
that's why they're spending time "giving away" their system, instead of spending
time trading. If they really loved to help people, why are they CHARGING people for
their "system"???. Not very charitable.
Understand this: On any average day in the market...5% of stocks will trend up. 5%
of stocks will trend down. 90% of stocks will oscillate, rendering any breakouts or
movement false...up or down. That makes the odds 9 to 1 against any day-trade. If
you try to be selective in any way...the best your odds will be is 8 to 1 against you. Would
you walk into a bar and tell eight people you want to fight them? That's your average
day trader.
There are THOUSANDS of hedge funds whose algorithms see any movement in the
market and immediately move against them to take profits. How? Because odds
are...they took a position much earlier because of their massive computer programs
that study price action. Like any casino, a hedge fund's 2% edge will destroy your
trading account.
Their strategy is to buy 2000 stocks long and sell 2000 stocks short each day and
hold one day or two days at most. Odds are...there's always massive money against
ANY position you take, no matter which direction you take. This is why you often
hear, "As soon as I jump on a moves in the opposite direction".
There is no other way for hedge funds to get IN or OUT. Their algorithms must spot
any volume coming into the market. Day-trading is a sucker's game at best.
year independent audit of their trading account.
At least four major unversity studies that either tracked, for example...300 day-
traders or trading indicators (like MACD etc...) over the course of a few years
determined that 98% lose their money over any one year. The 2% that do make any
money one year, will most probably lose their money the following year.
It's hilarical to hear the system-sellers say how much they "love to help people", so
that's why they're spending time "giving away" their system, instead of spending
time trading. If they really loved to help people, why are they CHARGING people for
their "system"???. Not very charitable.
Understand this: On any average day in the market...5% of stocks will trend up. 5%
of stocks will trend down. 90% of stocks will oscillate, rendering any breakouts or
movement false...up or down. That makes the odds 9 to 1 against any day-trade. If
you try to be selective in any way...the best your odds will be is 8 to 1 against you. Would
you walk into a bar and tell eight people you want to fight them? That's your average
day trader.
There are THOUSANDS of hedge funds whose algorithms see any movement in the
market and immediately move against them to take profits. How? Because odds
are...they took a position much earlier because of their massive computer programs
that study price action. Like any casino, a hedge fund's 2% edge will destroy your
trading account.
Their strategy is to buy 2000 stocks long and sell 2000 stocks short each day and
hold one day or two days at most. Odds are...there's always massive money against
ANY position you take, no matter which direction you take. This is why you often
hear, "As soon as I jump on a moves in the opposite direction".
There is no other way for hedge funds to get IN or OUT. Their algorithms must spot
any volume coming into the market. Day-trading is a sucker's game at best.